- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-09-25
小野 公二
鈴木 実
木梨 友子
増永 慎一郎
木梨 友子
永田 憲司
- 4.最新放射線治療とその治療成績 : 放射線治療における外科治療の役割(PS1-1 悪性グリオーマ治療の進歩,プレナリーセッション,手術再考,第30回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)
- Radiation Biology of Caenorhabditis elegans : Germ Cell Response, Aging and Behavior
- 鼻腔悪性黒色腫症例に対する硼素中性子捕捉療法
- II-27.当科におけるA_3食道癌の放射線治療成績(第53回日本食道疾患研究会)
- DP-070-7 切除不能上縦隔悪性神経原性腫瘍に対しホウ素中性子捕捉療法が奏効した1治験例(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- III. 研究炉の利用動向 III-1 研究分野の動向
- P-352 新規抗がん剤TZT-1027の細胞周期の調節および放射線増感性について(分子生物学4, 第47回日本肺癌学会総会)
- Impact of the p53 Status of the Tumor Cells on the Effect of Reactor Neutron Beam Irradiation, with Emphasis on the Response of Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Effects of p53 Status on Radiosensitivity and the Size of Hypoxic Fraction of Intratumor Total and QuiescentCell Populations
- Evaluation of the Potential of p-Boronophenylalaninol as a Boron Carrier in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Referring to the Effect on Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Sensitizing Effect of the Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Inhibitor Wortmannin on Thermal Neutron Irradiation with or without Boron Compound
- BNCT Effect of BPA-ol, a Derivative of BPA, and Enhancement by Hyperthermia
- The Effects of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy on Liver Tumors and Normal Hepatocytes in Mice
- The Combined Effect of Electroporation and Borocaptate in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Murine Solid Tumors
- Changes in the Sensitivity of Intratumor Cells during Fractionated Tirapazamine Administration
- Usefulness of Tirapazamine as a Combined Agent in Chemoradiation and Thermo-chemoradiation Therapy at Mild Temperatures: Reference to the Effect on Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Effect of Electroporation on Cell Killing by Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Borocaptate Sodium (^B-BSH)
- Time-course Change in Oxygenation Status of Total and Quiescent Cell Populations in Solid Tumors after γ-ray Irradiation, Tirapazamine Injection or Cisplatin Treatment
- Applicability of Combination with Tirapazamine in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
- 新規抗がん剤TZT-1027の細胞周期に与える影響および放射線増感性についての検討
- 18. 新規抗癌剤TZT-1027の細胞周期への影響および放射線増感性(第84回 日本肺癌学会関西支部会,関西支部,支部活動)
- 中性子捕捉療法の線量評価
- ll-L-1 T_1 T_2 食道癌に対する放射線治療(第49回食道疾患研究会)
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法時の患部近傍での放射化の評価
- 癌放射線治療の新たなパラダイム : 硼素中性子捕捉療法(癌細胞選択的放射線治療)の現状と将来
- 放射線誘発バイスタンダー効果におけるDMSOの影響
- P075 放射線誘発バイスタンダー効果がDMSOにより抑制される機構(ポスターセッション)
- P047 X線照射された細胞での微小核形成とヒストンH2AXリン酸化フォーカス形成(ポスターセッション)
- W4-3 放射線誘発バイスタンダー効果がDMSOにより抑制される機構(ワークショップ(4) : 遺伝的不安定性と変異)
- 再発頭頸部悪性腫瘍に対するホウ素中性子捕捉療法
- Recent Advances in the Biology of Heavy-Ion Cancer Therapy
- γ-ray Irradiation Enhanced Boron-10 Compound Accumulation in Murine Tumors
- A Simple and Rapid Method for Measurement of ^B-para-Boronophenylalanine in the Blood for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
- Evaluation of Hypoxia-specific Cytotoxic Bioreductive Agent-sodium Borocaptate-^B Conjugates as ^B-carriers in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
- S-4-4 From Regionally Selective Radiotherapy to Cellular Selective Radiotherapy(Aiming Further Development of Radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Usefulness of Hexamethylenetetramine as an Adjuvant to Radiation and Cisplatin in the Treatment of Solid Tumors : its Independency of p53 Status
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy;BNCT)の現状と将来展望--癌細胞選択照射がもたらすWhole Organ Radiotherapyの可能性 (特集 放射線治療:画像誘導放射線治療--IGRTを中心に)
- 肝、肺腫瘍に対する硼素中性子捕捉療法の試み (第41回京都大学原子炉実験所学術講演会 報文集)
- 硼素中性子捕捉療法におけるDose Volume Histgram(DVH)解析 (京都大学原子炉実験所第39回学術講演会 報文集)
- 熱中性子照射におけるDNA-PKcs阻害剤の生物学的効果
- 癌のホウ素中性子捕捉療法--捕獲反応α粒子による細胞選択的放射線治療
- 肝腫瘍に対する硼素中性子捕捉療法の基礎的検討 (第37回京都大学原子炉実験所学術講演会)
- マイクロコンピューター支援による高精度コロニーアッセイ法を用いたSCCVII腫瘍に対する低酸素細胞増感剤の効果の検討
- 京大原子炉における悪性神経膠腫に対する硼素中性子捕捉療法
- Potentially Lethal Damage Repair by Total and Quiescent Tumor Cells Following Various DNA-damaging Treatments
- Enhancement of Cisplatin Sensitivity of Quiescent Cells in Solid Tumors by Combined Treatment with Tirapazamine and Low-Temperature Hyperthermia
- 悪性脳腫瘍に対する放射線療法 : 標準治療と最先端(悪性グリオーマ-機能温存と予後 (標準化治療法作成を目指して), PA-1 悪性脳腫瘍-標準化治療と治療抵抗例への挑戦, 第25回 日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)
- Inhibition of repair of radiation-induced damage by mild temperature hyperthermia, referring to the effect on quiescent cell populations
- Effective Suppression of Bystander Effects by DMSO Treatment of Irradiated CHO Cells
- Evaluation of Micronucleus Induction in Lymphocytes of Patients Following Boron-Neutron-Capture-Therapy : A Comparison with Thyroid Cancer Patients treated with radioiodine
- 84 Effects of Mild Temperature Hyperthermia and p53 Status of Tumor Cells on the Size of Hypoxic Cell Fractions in Solid Tumors(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effects of p53 Status and Wortmannin Treatment on Potentially Lethal Damage Repair, with Emphasis on the Response of Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Usefulness of combined treatment with mild temperature hyperthermia and/or tirapazamine in the treatment of solid tumors : its independence of p53 status
- Development of Selective Irradiation Method to Blood Vessel
- Targeted Heavy-Ion Microbeam Irradiation of the Embryo But Not Yolk in the Diapause-Terminated Egg of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori, Induces The Somatic Mutation
- Comparison of Radiobiological Characteristics of Epirliermal Neutron Beams between KUR and JRR4
- Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Locomotory Behavior and Mechanosensation in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Vanguards of Paradigm Shift in Radiation Biology: Radiation-Induced Adaptive and Bystander Responses
- Effect of Locally Targeted Carbon-Ion Microbeam Irradiation on Learning Behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Radiation-Quality Dependent Bystander Effects Induced in Normal Human Fibroblasts by X-ray, Proton and Heavy-Ion Microbeams
- Microbeam Irradiation Facilities for Radiobiology in Japan and China
- 熱中性子照射におけるDNA-PKcs阻害剤の生物学的効果
- ホウ素中性子捕捉療法後の末梢血リンパ球におけるマイクロヌクレウスの出現頻度の評価
- Distinct Response of Irradiated Normal Human Fibroblasts and Their Bystander Cells to Heavy-Ion Radiation in Confluent Cultures
- Ceramide Induces Myogenic Differentiation and Apoptosis in Drosophila Schneider Cells
- Heavy-ion-induced bystander killing of human lung cancer cells : Role of gap junctional intercellular communication
- 8^ International Workshop on Microbeam Probes of Cellular Radiation Response
- An Alternative Mechanism for Radioprotection by Dimethyl Sulfoxide; Possible Facilitation of DNA Double-strand Break Repair
- Effectiveness of Carbon-ion Beams for Apoptosis Induction in Rat Primary Immature Hippocampal Neurons
- Development of New Cell Targeting System for Heavy-ion Microbeam Systems at JAEA-Takasaki
- 再発食道癌に対する放射線療法の検討
- Kinetic Analysis of Double-Strand Break Rejoining Reveals the DNA Reparability of γ-Irradiated Tobacco Cultured Cells
- Exposure of Normal Human Fibroblasts to Heavy-Ion Radiation Promotes Their Morphological Differentiation
- Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling Pathways Mediating Ionizing Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects
- Radiation-induced ICAM-1 Expression via TGF-β1 Pathway on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells ; Comparison between X-ray and Carbon-ion Beam Irradiation
- 癌治療における併用療法としての低温度温熱処置の有用性について
- 温熱治療時における温度降下率の臨床的意義に関する検討
- マウス固形腫瘍に対する^Pt-CDDPを用いた温熱化学療法におけるニコチンアミドの付加的効果に関する考察
- 放射線・化学療法に対する静止期腫瘍細胞の反応 : 低温度温熱処置併用の意義
- 平成8年度日本ハイパーサーミア学会研究グループ助成研究報告書血管新生増殖因子の制御による温熱効果増感
- 固形腫瘍の治療における腫瘍低酸素の活用
- Evaluation of the Relative Biological Effectiveness of Carbon Ion Beams in the Cerebellum Using the Rat Organotypic Slice Culture System
- A Novel Modification Method of Peptides and Proteins by Anionic Dodecaborate Cage in Water
- ホウ素中性子捕捉療法
- 熱中性子照射におけるDNA-PKcs阻害剤の生物学的効果