貴島 定和 | 大阪醫科大學肺癆科教室
- Experimental studies on the positive tuberculin anergia. (Part II):The observations on blood of the positive tuberculin anergic guinea pigs.
- Experimental studies on the positive tuberculin-anergia. (Part III):The accelaration of the phagocytotic action of blood plasma of the positive tuberculin-anergic guinea pigs and the complement-fixation-text of their sera.
- Experimental studies on the positive tuberculin-anergia. (Part IV):Anticutin content in the serum of the positive tuberculin-anergic guinea-pigs.
- Experimental studies on the positive tuberculin anergia. (Part V):The inhibitory action of the whole blood of the positive tuberculin-anergic guinea pigs against the multiplication of tubercle bacillus
- Studies on the Positive Tuberculin Anergia.
- Über Resultat der Tuberkulinreaktion, ihr Umschlag und tuberkulöse Erkrankung.