Brown R. | 文教大学情報学部非常勤
Brown R.
Brown R.A.
Gray R.
Beijing Language and Culture University
Ferrara M.
Middle east Technical University
- The Effect of Anonymity on Self-Evaluations in Japanese College Students
- The Relationship between Self-Aggrandizement and Self-Esteem in Japanese and American University Students
- Situation-Sensitivity and Self-Esteem in Japan and America
- Self-Esteem, Modest Responding, Sandbagging, Fear of Negative Evaluation, and Self-Concept Clarity in Japan
- Interpersonal and Intergroup Bias in Japanese and Turkish University Students
- Self-Perceptions of Ordinariness and Self-Esteem in Japan
- Enhancing Motivation through Repeated Listening
- English Proficiency as a Contingency of Self-Worth among Japanese University Students
- Remarks on Feigned Modesty and Language in Relation to Japanese Self-Esteem
- Self-Effacement Tendency and Self-Esteem in Japanese College Students
- Developing Aural Comprehension Skills through Repeated Listening
- The Effects of Social Anxiety on English Language Learning in Japan
- Attributions for Personal Achievement Outcomes among Japanese, Chinese, and Turkish University Students