Sato Fumio | Hidaka Training And Res. Centre Japan Racing Assoc.
Sato Fumio
Hidaka Training And Res. Centre Japan Racing Assoc.
Nambo Yasuo
Sato Fumio
Hidaka Training And Research Center Japan Racing Association
MURASE Harutaka
Hidaka Training and Research Center, Japan Racing Association
Hidaka Training and Research Center
Endo Yoshiro
Hidaka Training And Research Center Jra
Taya Kazuyoshi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo U
TOZAKI Teruaki
Department of Molecular Genetics, Laboratory of Racing Chemistry
SATO Fumio
Hidaka Training and Research Center, Japan Racing Association
- In Vitro Development of Equine Oocytes from Preserved Ovaries after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- Plasma prolactin concentrations and copulatory behavior after salsolinol injection in male rats
- Sequence Variants at the myostatin Gene Locus Influence the Body Composition of Thoroughbred Horses
- Survey on Tick-Borne Pathogens in Thoroughbred Horses in the Hidaka District, Hokkaido, Japan
- Correlation of Serum Igg Concentration in Foals and Refractometry Index of Dam’S Pre and Post Parturient Colostrums: An Assessment for Failure of Passive Transfer in Foals
- A Case of Ambiguous External Genitalia in a Thoroughbred Male Horse with the 63,XO/64,XY Mosaic Karyotype
- Successful Induction of Lactation in a Barren Thoroughbred Mare: Growth of a Foal Raised on Induced Lactation and the Corresponding Maternal Hormone Profiles
- Efficacy of Omeprazole Paste in the Prevention of Gastric Ulcers in 2 Years Old Thoroughbreds
- Assessment for Predicting Parturition in Mares Based on Prepartum Temperature Changes Using a Digital Rectal Thermometer and Microchip Transponder Thermometry Device