広川 敢 | 農林省茶業試験場
- 茶白星病の病原菌について
- 茶の立枯症状に関する研究(第4報) : 愛知県西尾市における茶園土壌のpHの動向および茶の細根の腐敗
- 茶の立枯症状に開する研究(第2報) : 茶園土壌中における糸状菌の季節的消長ならびに検出菌の病原性
- Application of Pipe-Duster for Controlling Tea Diseases
- Control Experiments with some Fungicides for the White Root Rot of Tea (Rosellinia necatrix (HART.) BERL.)
- Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Die-Back and Canker Disease of Tea
- Ecological Studies on the White Scab of Tea (Part 1):Relation between the Climatic Conditions and the Outbreak of the Disease
- Symptoms and Spread of a New Die-Back and Canker Disease of Tea Giving Heavy Damages Especially on Black Tea Variety "Benihomare" in Japan