Imoto Michiko | The Physical Science Laboratories Nihon University
Imoto Michiko
The Physical Science Laboratories Nihon University
IMOTO Michiko
The Physical Science Laboratories, Nihon University
Imoto Michiko
The Physical Science Laboratories Nihon University At Narashino
IMOTO Michiko
Laboratory of Physics, College of Science and Technology Nihon University
Yamazaki Miwae
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Education
Yamazaki Miwae
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Yamazaki M
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Yamazaki Miwae
The Physical Science Laboratories Nihon University
IMOTO Michio
The Physical Science Laboratories, Nihon University
Imoto Michio
The Physical Science Laboratories Nihon University
- Inversion of Photon Structure Function F^2_γ from n-Space to x-Space : Particles and Fields
- Meson Form Factor in One Loop Order
- Asymptotic Behavior of Pion Form Factor
- The Asymptotic Behavior of the Quark Form Factor
- Reggeized Short-Range Potential Using the Veneziano Representation
- A Pole-Cut Dual Representation and Photoproduction Amplitude with Fixed Cut
- Reggeized Short Range Potential and Resonance Width
- Neutral-Pion Photoproduction and Nonhadronic Duality