田之口 真理子 | Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
有本 正生
田之口 真理子
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
有本 正生
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
山口 秀夫
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
有本 正生
Osaka College of Pharmacy
田之口 真理子
Osaka College of Pharmacy
田之口 眞理子
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
石田 寿昌
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
井上 正敏
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
中島 淳二
Osaka College of Pharmacy
井上 正敏
Department Of Physical Chemistry Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
加島 竜彦
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
雑賀 英之
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
沼田 敦
石田 寿昌
井上 大志
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
井上 正敏
細野 江津子
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
北岡 真由子
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
田ノ口 真理子
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
深田 能成
Osaka Collge of Pharmacy
有本 正生
田之口 真理子
沼田 敦
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. IV. Syntheses of β-Peltatin-A and-B Methyl Ethers from Desoxypodophyllotoxin
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. VII. : Syntheses of (±)-Hernolactone and (±)-Hernandin
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. IX. Identification of Two Dibenzylbutyrolactone-Type Lignans and an Attempt of Conversion into Phenyltetralin-Type Lignan
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. VIII. Syntheses of (±)-Desoxypodophyllotoxin and (±)-β-Peltatin-A Methyl Ether
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. VI. Isolation and Structural Determination of Three Lignans(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. V. : Syntheses of Epipodophyllotoxin and Podophyllotoxin from Desoxypodophyllotoxin
- Studies on the Constituents of the Seeds of Hernandia ovigera L. III. Structures of Two New Lignans
- ハスノハギリ(Hernandia ovigera L.)の種子成分研究(第2報)リグナン成分ならびに関連物質についての2,3の反応