Tamura Tomohide | Division Of Internal Medicine National Cancer Center Hospital
Tamura T
Division Of Internal Medicine National Cancer Center Hospital
Tamura Tomohide
国立がんセンター中央病院 腫瘍内科
Tamura T
National Cancer Center Hospital Tokyo
Tamura Tomohide
Medical Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Tamura Tomohide
Medical Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital
Saijo N
Division Of Internal Medicine National Cancer Center Hospital East
Saijo Nagahiro
Saijo N
Medical Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital
Tamura Tomohide
国立がんセンター中央病院 相談支援センター
Yamamoto N
Thoracic Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital National Cancer Center
- Genetic Variations and Haplotypes of ABCC2 Encoding MRP2 in a Japanese Population
- 日本人におけるGSTT1及びGSTM1の遺伝子多型の同定及びハプロタイプ構造の解析
- Genetic Variations of VDR/NR1I1 Encoding Vitamin D Receptor in a Japanese Population
- Genetic Variations and Frequencies of Major Haplotypes in SLCO1B1 Encoding the Transporter OATP1B1 in Japanese Subjects : SLCO1B1^*17 is More Prevalent Than ^*15
- Genetic Variation and Haplotype Structure of the ABC Transporter Gene ABCG2 in a Japanese Population
- Phase I pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenomic study of E7070 administered once every 21 days
- Twenty-six Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and their Frequencies of the NR113 (CAR) Gene in a Japanese Population
- Identification of prognostic biomarkers in gastric cancer using endoscopic biopsy samples
- Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity of cetuximab against tumor cells with wild-type or mutant epidermal growth factor receptor
- Synergistic interactions between the synthetic retinoid tamibarotene and glucocorticoids in human myeloma cells