TANAKA Toshio | Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University
Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University
Tanaka Toshio
Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
Taniguchi Makoto
Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Taniguchi M
Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Taniguchi Makoto
Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Taniguchi M
Taiyo Kagaku Co. Ltd. Mie Jpn
Taniguchi Makoto
Deprtment Of Bio- And Geoscience Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Oi Susumu
Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Oi Susumu
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Osaka City University
- Studies on the Convective Heat Transfer from a Rotating Disk : 3rd Report, Heat and Mass Transfer in a Laminar Flow about a Rotating Disk with Suction or Injection in the Axial Stream
- Impingement of a Radial Jet with an Annular Jet : Deflection Properties of Main Jet Flow
- A Study on the Control of the Radial Wall Jet Through Two Parallel Disks (Jet Flow Properties at and after Reattachment Point)
- A Study on the Deflection and Reattachment of an Axisymmetric Radial Wall Jet (Jet Flow Properties Before Reattachment Point)
- A Study on the Deflection and Reattachment of an Axisymmetric Radial Wall Jet (Deflection of Main Jet Near Nozzle) : Fluids Engineering
- Study on the Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow (5 th Report, Comparison of the Results Between Velocity, Pressure and Flow Visualization) : Series B : Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Study on Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow : 4th Report, Flow at and after Reattachment Point : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Study on Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow : 3rd Report, Flow before Reattachment Point
- The Mode of Action of AKD-2C, an Antifungal Antibiotic from Streptomyces sp. OCU-42815
- An Experimental Investigation of a Turbulent Cylindrical Wall Jet Equipped with Front-Facing Step : Separation and Reattachment Properties of Wall Jet Flow