TOCHIHARA Yutaka | Department of Ergonomics, Kyushu University
Department of Ergonomics, Kyushu University
Tochihara Yutaka
Department Of Ergonomics Faculty Of Deign Kyushu University
Tochihara Yutaka
Department Of Ergonomics Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Tochihara Yutaka
Department Of Physiological Hygiene National Institute Of Public Health
Tochihara Yutaka
Dep. Of Ergonomics Fac. Of Design Kyushu Univ.
OHNAKA Tadakatsu
Department of Living Environmental Science, Fukuoka Women's University
Tochihara Yutaka
Department Of Physiological Hygiene The Institute Of Public Health
Ohnaka Tadakatsu
Department Of Living Environmental Science Fukuoka Women's University
OHNAKA Tadakatsu
Department of Living Environment, Fukuoka Women's University
Ismail Mohamed
Department Of Physiology:department Of Ergonomics Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
- Physiological parameters relevant to peripheral thermal threshold in Malaysian and Japanese males
- Thermoregulatory responses and mental performance during passive heating in Japanese and Malaysian males
- Warm or Slightly Hot? : Differences in Linguistic Dimensions Describing Perceived Thermal Sensation
- Linguistic Dimensions in Descriptors Expressing Thermal Sensation in Korean : Warm Projects Thermal Comfort
- Effects of high and low air humidities on sweat rate during exercise under the equivalent WBGT conditions
- Hematological Change in Venous Blood of the Lower Leg during Prolonged Sitting in a Low Humidity and Hypobaric Environment
- Percent Loss of Heat Acclimation, during Deacclimation-Exercise or Exposure to Cold Environment and Reacclimation (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effects of Short-term Exercise in the Heat on Thermoregulation, Blood Parameters, Sweat Secretion and Sweat Composition of Tropic-dwelling Subjects
- Effects of Exercise in the Heat on Thermoregulation of Japanese and Malaysian Males
- 1-18 Effect of Heat Acclimation on Thermoregulation, Blood Parameters, Sweat Secretion and Sweat Composition of Tropical Malaysians with Prolonged Passive Heat Exposure