Urabe S | Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Urabe S
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
URABE Shinji
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Urabe Shinji
Department Of Physical Science Osaka University
WATANABE Masayoshi
Kansai Advanced Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Watanabe Masayoshi
Kansai Advanced Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
IMAJO Hidetsuka
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory
Imajo Hidetsuka
Kansai Advanced Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
URABE Shinji
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory
Hayasaka Kazuhiro
Kansai Advanced Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
- Motional Resonances of Sympathetically Cooled ^Ca^+, Zn^+, or Ga^+ Ions in a Linear Paul Trap : Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Physics
- Development of a Tunable 209 nm Continuous-Wave Light Source Using Two-Stage Frequency Doubling of a Ti : Sapphire Laser(Optics and Quantum Electronics)
- Submilliwatt Continuous-Wave Coherent Light Generation near 214.5 nm by Two-Stage Frequency Doubling of a Diode Laser
- Trapping of Ca^+ Ions and Optical Detection
- Laser Cooling of Ca^+ with an External-Cavity Ultraviolet Diode Laser
- Deflection of a Velocity Compressed Yb Atomic Beam by a Multi-Mode Spectral Laser
- Sum-Frequency Generation near 194 nm with an External Cavity by Simultaneous Enhancement of Frequency-Stabilized Fundamental Lasers
- Tunable 397 nm Light Source for Laser Cooling of Ca Ions Based on Frequency Doubling of Diode Laser
- Laser Cooling of Ca^+ Ions and Observation of Collision Effects
- Doppler-Free Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Ca^+ and Ca