Song C‐w | Korea Institute Of Toxicology Korea Research Institute Of Chemical Technology
Song C‐w
Korea Institute Of Toxicology Korea Research Institute Of Chemical Technology
Song Chang-woo
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Okamoto Mieko
Experimental Radiobiology For Children's Health Research Group Research Center For Radiation Pr
Okumoto M
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University:research Institut
Okumoto Masaaki
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Okumoto Masaaki
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. Technol. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Mori N
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University:research Institut
Mori Nobuko
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Mori Nobuko
Department Of Applied Bioscience Research Institute Of Advanced Science & Technology University
Mori Nobuko
Res. Inst. For Advan. Sci. &technol. Osaka Pre-fecture University.
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymiphomagenesis (I) Allelic Loss Regions in the Lymphomas from p53 Mice
- Distinct Pattern of Allelic Loss and Inactivation of Cadherin 1 and 5 Genes in Mammary Carcinomas Arising in p53^ Mice
- Generation of Large Homozygous Chromosomal Segments by Mitotic Recombination during Lymphomagenesis in F1 Hybrid Mice
- Putative Tumor-suppressor Gene Regions Responsible for Radiation Lymphomagenesis in F_1 Mice with Different p53 Status
- Putative Tumor Suppressor Regions Responsible for Radiation Lymphomagenesis in F_1 Mice with DifferentGenetic Interactions
- Analysis of Tumor Suppressor Regions in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Fas Heterozygous Deficient Mice
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymphomagenesis - Allelic Loss Regions on Chromosome 19 -
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymphomagenesis (II) Analysis of Three Genes as a Caddidate in Frequent Allelic Loss Region on Chromosome 12
- Mapping of putative ether-anesthesia resistance gene using C57BL/6J and MSM/Ms mouse strains
- Analysis of Frequent Allelic Loss Regions in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Mice