MORI Nobuko | Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
MORI Nobuko
Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Okamoto Mieko
Experimental Radiobiology For Children's Health Research Group Research Center For Radiation Pr
Okumoto M
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University:research Institut
Okumoto Masaaki
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Okumoto Masaaki
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. Technol. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Mori Nobuko
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Mori Nobuko
Department Of Applied Bioscience Research Institute Of Advanced Science & Technology University
Mori Nobuko
Res. Inst. For Advan. Sci. &technol. Osaka Pre-fecture University.
Mori N
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University:research Institut
Okumoto Masaaki
Res. Inst. For Advan. Sci. &technol. Osaka Pre-fecture University.
Okumoto Masaaki
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Song C‐w
Korea Institute Of Toxicology Korea Research Institute Of Chemical Technology
Song Chang-woo
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
江崎 孝三郎
Esaki Kozaburo
Coll. Agric. Osaka Pref. Univ.
Esaki K
Univ. Osaka Prifecture Osaka Jpn
Esaki Kozaburo
Central Institute For Experimental Animals
Esaki Kozaburo
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science College Of Agriculture University Of Osaka Prefecture
Park Yeong-gwan
Park Yeong-gwan
Research Institute For Advanced Science And Technology Osaka Prefecture University:graduate School O
Hong Doo-pyo
大阪府立大学 生命環境科学研究科
Hong Doo-pyo
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
PARK Yeong-Gwan
Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Umesako Seiichi
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Umesako Sei-ichi
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. Technol. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
HONG Doo-Pyo
Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Shionogi Pharm. Co.
ESAKI Kozaburo
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref. Univ.
Yamate J
Taka-mori Yasuhiko
Coll. Agric. Osaka Pref. Univ.
Takamori Yasuhiko
Laboratory Of Veterinary Radiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine College Of Agriculture Osaka Pr
Takamori Yasuhiko
Univ. Of Osaka Pref. School Of Vet. Med. Dept. Of Radiol.
Imai Shunsuke
Nara Prefectural Institute Of Public Health
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. , Division of Physiology and Pathology
Aizawa Shiro
Aizawa Shiro
Division Of Biology And Oncology National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Aizawa Shiro
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Imai S
Nara Prefectural Institute Of Public Health
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref. Univ.
Haga Satomi
Department Of Anatomy Nara Medical University
SONG Chang-Woo
Lab. Anim. Sci., Korea Res. Inst. Chern. Technol., Korea
Res. Inst. Adv. Sci. Technol., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Niwa Otsura
Radiation Biology Center Kyoto University
SONG Chang-Woo
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref. Univ.
Ogawa Shoji
Res. Inst. Advanced Sci. Technol. Osaka Prefect. Univ.
Kubo Kihei
Department Of Advanced Pathobiology Graduate School Of Life & Environmental Sciences Osaka Prefe
Kubo Kihei
Department Of Veterinary Science Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Science Osaka Prefect
Kubo Kihei
Laboratory Of Veterinary Radiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine College Of Agriculture Osaka Pr
HAGA Satomi
Nara Med. Univ. Natl. Inst. Genet.
TABATA Kenjiro
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref Univ.
Tabata Kenjiro
Coll. Agric. Osaka Pref Univ.
Demant Peter
Div. Molecular Genetics The Netherlands Cancer Institute Plesmanlaan
Kominami Ryo
Niigata Univ. Sch. Med.
NIWA Otsura
Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University
SONG Chang-Woo
Res. Inst. Advanced Sci. Technol., Osaka Prefect. Univ.
Niwa Otsura
Radiat. Biol. Ctr. Kyoto Univ.
ESAKI Kozaburo
College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture
Nakao Ren
Research Institute For Advanced Science &technology Osaka Prefecture University
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. Technol., Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Coll. Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture Univ.
IMAI Syunsuke
Nara Med. Univ. Natl. Inst. Genet.
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref Univ.
KUBO Kihei
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref Univ.
Demant1 Peter
Div. Molecular Genetics The Netherlands Cancer Institute Plesmanlaan
Ishibashi Makiko
Coll. Agric. Osaka Pref Univ.
森脇 和郎
RIKEN BioResource Center
Suzuki Norio
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Univ. Tokyo
Moriwaki K
Riken Tsukuba Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
森脇 和郎
Moriwaki Kazuo
National Institute Of Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Natl. Inst. Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Bio Resource Centre Riken Tsukuba Institute
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Fac. Med. Univ. Tokyo
SONG Chang-Woo
Korea Institute of Toxicology, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
Res. Inst Adv. Sci. Technol.
NIWA Ohtsura
Radiat. Biol. Ctr., Kyoto Univ.
Vet. Pathol., Osaka Pref. Uni.
Iiga Sayoko
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Coll. Agric., Osaka Pref. Univ.
Osaka Pref. Univ. Grad. Sch. Agr. Biol. Sci.
IIGA Sayoko
Osaka Pref. Univ. Grad. Sch. Agr. Biol. Sci.
Osaka Pref. Univ. Grad. Sch. Agr. Biol. Sci.
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. & Technol., Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. & Technol., Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. Technol., Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Dept. Vet. Path. Col. Agric. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Song Chang-woo
Korea Institute Of Toxicology
Funaoka Kieko
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. & Technol. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Tsugawa Naomi
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Nagaoka Tutomu
Res. Inst. Advan. Sci. & Technol. Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Song Chan-woo
Krct Toxicol. Ctr.
College of Agric. , Univ. of Osaka Prefecture
KUBO Kihei
College of Agric. , Univ. of Osaka Prefecture
Nara Med. Univ. Natl. Inst. Genet.
TAKA-MORI Yasuhiko
College of Agric. , Univ. of Osaka Prefecture
Cbang-Woo SONG
Coll. Agric. , Osaka Pref. Univ.
Demant Peter
The Netherlands Cancer Inst.
HAGA Satomi
Anatomy II, Nara Hedical Univ.
IMAI Syunsuke
Pathology II, Nara Hedical Univ.
Imai Shunsuke
Nara Prefectural Institute For Hygiene And Environment
Matsumoto Yoshihisa
Dept. Rad. Res. Cent. Disease Biol. & Integrative Med. Grad. Schl. Med. Univ.
Matsumoto Yoshihisa
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Tokyo Univ.
Takahashi Masahiro
Graduate School Of Agriculture And Biological Sciences Osaka Prefecture University
Suzuki Norio
Dept. Of Radiation Oncology Fac. Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
Suzuki Norio
Dept. Radiat. Oncol. Grad. Sch. Med. Tokyo Univ.
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymiphomagenesis (I) Allelic Loss Regions in the Lymphomas from p53 Mice
- Analysis of Tumor Suppressor Gene Regions Involved in Radiation Tumorigenesis of p53 and Atm Heterozygous Deficient Mice
- Putative Tumor Suppressor Regions Responsible for Radiation Lymphomagenesis in F_1 Mice with DifferentGenetic Interactions
- Analysis of Tumor Suppressor Regions in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Fas Heterozygous Deficient Mice
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymphomagenesis - Allelic Loss Regions on Chromosome 19 -
- Lymphomagenesis by Fractionated X-irradiation and LOH Analysis of the Lymphomas in Atm Haplo-insufficient Mice
- Analysis for Tumor Suppressor Regions Involved in Radiation Lymphomagenesis (II) Analysis of Three Genes as a Caddidate in Frequent Allelic Loss Region on Chromosome 12
- Analysis of Frequent Allelic Loss Regions in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Mice
- Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Mice (V) Allelotype analysis in the Lymphomas from Intersubspesific crosses
- 50 Analysis of Tumor Suppressor Gene Regions Involved in Radiation Mammary Carcinogenesis of p53 and Atm Heterozygous Deficient Mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 48 Resistance to radiation-induced mammary tumors in p53 hemizygous (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F_1 mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Prevalence of mammary tumors in p53 hemizygous BALB/c mice exposed repeatedly to a low dose of X-rays
- Allelic Variation in Mouse Prkdc and Susceptibility to Radiation Lymphomagenesis
- Linkage of susceptibility to radiation lymphomagenesis to the mouse chromosome 16 segment containing Rapopl - an analysis with congenic mice
- Frequent Loss of Heterozygocity in Specific Chromo-somal Regions of Radiation-Induced Lymphomas in Mice
- Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity in Radiation-induced Lymphomas of Mice (IV) Mapping of the Gene(s) Related to Lymphomagenesis
- Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity in Radiation-Induced Lymphomas of Mice (III) Genomic Alterations in the Lymphomas of F1 Mice (BALB/cHeA X MSM/ Ms)
- Frequent Loss of Heterozygosity in Radiation- Induced Lymphonias of Mice
- Genetic Dissection of Susceptibility to Radiation-Induced Death of Thymocytes and Mapping of a Suscep-tibility Gene in Mice
- Mouse strain difference in susceptibility to glucooortiooid-induoed apoptos is of thymocytes
- Fine mapping of the apoptosis susceptibility gene Rapop3 and the test of mcll as a likely candidate gene
- Mapping of the genes implicated in susceptibility to radiation-induced apoptosis of thymocytes to mouse chromosome 9 and chromosome 3