Nam Jung-hwan | 韓国
Choi Jong-won
Park Hee-juhn
Department Of Pharmaceutical Engineering Sangji University
Park Hee-juhn
Park Hee-juhn
Division Of Applied Plant Sciences Sangji University
Park Hee-juhn
Department Of Botanical Resources Sangi University
Nam Jung-hwan
Nam Jung-hwan
Highland Agriculture Institute Rural Development Administration
Park Hee-joun
Department Of Botanical Resources Sangji University
LEE Kyung-Tae
College of Pharmacy, Kyung-Hee University
Choi Jongwon
Coll. Of Pharmacy Kyungsung Univ.
- The Anti-gastropathic and Anti-rheumatic Effect of Niga-ichigoside F_1 and 23-Hydroxytormentic Acid Isolated from the Unripe Fruits of Rubus coreanus in a Rat Model(Pharmacognosy)
- 19α-Hydroxyursane-Type Triterpenoids : Antinociceptive Anti-inflammatory Principles of the Roots of Rosa rugosa(Pharmacognosy)
- Antinociceptive Anti-inflammatory Effect of Monotropein Isolated from the Root of Morinda officinalis(Pharmacognosy)
- Isolation of Saponins with the Inhibitory Effect on Nitric Oxide, Prostaglandin E_2 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Production from Pleurospermum kamtschaticum(Pharmacognosy)
- Pectolinarin and Pectolinarigenin of Cirsium setidens Prevent the Hepatic Injury in Rats Caused by D-Galactosamine via an Antioxidant Mechanism(Pharmacognosy)