Naito A | Graduate School Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Naito A
Graduate School Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Naito Akira
Department Of Life Science Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Naito Akira
Graduate School Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Naito Akira
Yokohama National University
Naito Akira
Grad. Sch. Eng. Yokohama Natl. Univ.
Kawamura Izuru
Yokohama National Univ.
Naito Akira
Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University
Kawamura Izuru
Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University
Naito Akira
Graduate School Of Engineering Yokohama National Univ
Kawamura Izuru
Yokohama National University
- Participation of the surface structure of pharaonis phoborhodopsin, ppR and its A149S and A149V mutants, consisting of the C-terminal α-helix and E-F loop, in the complex-formation with the cognate transducer pHtrII, as revealed by site-directed 13C solid
- 1P423 Local Conformation and Dynamics Changes in the vicinity of the Retinal in Photoactivated pharaonis phoborhodopsin by Solid-State NMR(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- 2P-274 ^C固体NMRによるppRと複合体を形成したpHtrIIの光活性化状態における運動と構造変化の解析(光生物・視覚,光受容(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-260 ^C固体NMRによるppRの細胞質表面部位の相互作用変化の観測(光生物・視覚,光受容(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P427 Local structural change of bacteriorhodopsin accompanied with the removal of retinal as studied by solid state NMR(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- 1P426 Local structure analysis of Tyr residues is located in transmembrane site of bacteriorhodopsin by solid state high resolution NMR(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- 1P425 Structure analysis of Tyr residues with retinal isomerization in bacteriorhodopsin by solid state NMR(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- 3P-088 固体NMRを用いた暗順応状態バクテリオロドプシンのTyr主鎖コンフォメーションによるレチナール-タンパク質間相互作用の解析(膜蛋白質,日本生物物理学会若手奨励賞選考会,若手招待講演,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-270 バクテリオロドプシンのプロトン輸送過程におけるヘリックス-B,Cのキンク構造の動的過程 : 固体NMRによる解析(光生物・視覚,光受容(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P424 Pressure induced isomerization of retinal and dynamics change of protein on bacteriorhodopsin in the dark by Fast Magic Angle Spinning NMR(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)