安川 憲 | College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
安川 憲
安川 憲
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
滝戸 道夫
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
滝戸 道夫
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
滝戸 道夫
秋久 俊博
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
田村 利武
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Kimura Y
Coll. Of Pharmacy Nihon Univ.
田村 利武
田村 利武
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
秋久 俊博
Yasukawa Ken
Coll. Of Pharmacy Nihon Univ.
Akihisa T
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
秋久 俊博
木村 由美子
木村 由美子
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
木村 由美子
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
木村 由美子
野原 稔弘
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
池上 奎一
中川 滋木
Department Of Biochemistry Nihon University School Of Medicine
中川 滋木
野原 稔弘
池川 哲郎
National Cancer Center Research Institute
劉 素延
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
柿沼 慎一
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
KOKKE Wilhelmus
Zynaxis Cell Science, Inc.,
島田 文武
National Cancer Center Research Institute
竹内 美恵子
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
北中 進
College of Pharmacy, Nihon University
生沢 俊朗
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
山内 盛
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University
College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University
久保 智子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
濱田 修一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
王 植柔
Department of Urology, Medical School of Kumamoto University
平山 英雄
Department of Urology, Medical School of Kumamoto University
池上 奎一
Department of Urology, Medical School of Kumamoto University
野原 稔弘
熊本大学 医薬
野原 稔弘
野原 稔弘
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
平山 英雄
Department Of Urology Medical School Of Kumamoto University
王 植柔
濱田 修一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
久保 智子
Kim I
College Of Pharmacy Chung-ang University
中川 滋木
劉 素延
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
山内 盛
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
柿沼 慎一
College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
Kokke W
Zynaxis Inc.
生沢 俊朗
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Sung Hwan
College Of Pharmacy Chung-ang University
- Inhibitory Effect of Some Oxygenated Stigmastane-Type Sterols on 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-Induced Inflammation in Mice
- Structures of Five Hydroxylated Sterols from the Seeds of Trichosanthes kirilowii MAXIM.
- Inhibitory Effect of Rikkunshi-To, a Traditional Chinese Herbal Prescription, on Tumor Promotion in Two-Stage Carcinogenesis in Mouse Skin
- Five D : C-Friedo-Oleanane Triterpenes from the Seeds of Trichosanthes kirilowii MAXIM. and Their Anti-inflammatory Effects
- Inhibitory Effect of Karounidiol on 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-Induced Tumor Promotion
- Relative Inhibitory Activity of Berberine-Type Alkaloids against 12-ο-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-Induced Inflammation in Mice
- (+)-α-Viniferin, an Anti-inflammatory Compound from Caragana chamlagu Root
- Study on the Constituents of Desmodium styracifolium