Kise Wakasa | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information Technology R&D Center
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Information Technology R&D Center | 論文
- Intelligent TV System : Development of a Television System with Personal Computer Capability
- A Resonant-Type GaAs Switch IC with Low Distortion Characteristics for 1.9GHz PHS (Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeterwave High-power Devices)
- An 18 GHz-Band MMIC Diode Linearizer Using a Parallel Capacitor with a Bias Feed Resistance(Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- A GSM900/DCS1800 Dual-Band MMIC Power Amplifier Using Outside-Base/Center-Via-Hole Layout Multifinger HBT (Special Issue on High-Frequency/speed Devices in the 21st Century)
- Single 3-V Supply Operation GaAs Linear Power MESFET Amplifier for 5.8-GHz ISM Band Applications (Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)