Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica | 論文
- Further Report on Somatological Measurement of Head and Face of Children with Congenital Rubella Syndrome in Okinawa, Japan:at 14 and 16 years postnatal
- Variations in the Mitotic Activity in Different Regions of Lymphoid Organs:I. Observations on the Thymolymphatic Organs of Young Mature Albino Rats
- Histochemical Observation of GMA-Quetol 523 Embedded Tissue by Light Microscopy
- Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn., 56(1): 1-22, May 1979 New Embedding Method Employing GMA and Quetol 523 for Light and Electron Microscopic Observations of Semi-thin Sections
- Fixation of Semi-thin Sections for Combined Light and Electron Microscopy
- Staining of Semithin Tissue Sections Embedded in HPMA, Quetol 523 and MMA
- Improved Method of Embedding with Epoxy Resin 'Quetol 651' for Both Light and Electron Microscopic Observation of Identical Sites in Semi-thin Sections
- Observations of the Fenestrated Membrane of the Human Arterial Wall
- Histological Examination of Chick Embryos with Bilateral Microphthalmus with Reference to Laterality in the Visual Apparatuses
- Variations of Aortic Arch Derivatives in the Chick (Hatchlings)
- An Autopsy Case of Ethmocephaly
- Scanning Electron Microscopic Study on Human Primordial Germ Cells during the Migration Period
- Histo-Cytochemical Characteristics of Primordial Germ Cells in Human Embryos
- Electron Microscopic Study of the Hippocampal Formation of the Monkey with Special Reference to the Pyramidal Cells of Area CA3 and CA4 and the Mossy Fiber Endings
- A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Scales of a Coral Fish, Chelmon rostratus
- Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy of the Same Sections Embedded in HPMA, Quetol 523 and MMA
- The Histopathology of a Case of Hydranencephaly in a 30 Week Old Human Fetus
- Kurze Mitteilung über die apokrinen Schweissdrusen in der Aussenhaut des Nasenflügels bei den Chinesen
- Morphometric Evaluation of the Human Cervical Motoneurons
- Morphometric Analysis of the Human Femoral Nerve and its Ageing Process