The Histopathology of a Case of Hydranencephaly in a 30 Week Old Human Fetus
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1. The neocortex was markedly reduced in area and size. 2. The hippocampal cortex was fairly well preserved and the dentate fascia showed a marked degree of overgrowth in this case. 3. The globus pallidus and the putamen were relatively normal. 4. No caudate nucleus was noted in this case. 5. The thalamus was atrophic and the entire hypothalamus was dysplastic. 6. An absence of the pulvinar and the pretectal nuclei was noted in this case. 7. A poorly differentiated pars dorsalis of the lateral geniculate nucleus was noted. 8. A relatively normal medial geniculate nucleus was noted. 9. The subthalamic nucleus of Luys was present. It was larger than normal, and showed evidence of a marked degree of overgrowth. 10. The red nuclei were relatively normal, but were noticeably larger than in the normal state. The substantia nigra was present and was relatively normal. 11. In the present case of hydranencephaly relatively normal structure could be noted in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, brain st e m, tegmentum, and the medulla. 12. There was noted an absence of the pyramidal tract; this fiber tract being completely hypoplastic.
- Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonicaの論文
Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica | 論文
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