社団法人 環境科学会 | 論文
- Some Characterizations of a Natural Source Bacterium(B-3) Decomposing the Ferric Chelate of EDTA.
- Decadal Review of Progress in Environmental Science.
- Estimation of Human Activity Affecting Water Balance of the Iwaki River Basin.
- Expanding Mechanism of Environmental Education in Japanese National Universities-Reform Impact of Faculties of Liberal Arts-:-Reform Impact of Faculties of Liberal Arts-
- :-Institutional, Organizational, Political Aspect of Environmental Education at Graduate Level -
- Diffusion and Adsorption of Benzene in Contaminated Andosol and Sand
- 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分場立地の受容に関する心理的要因の検討:-福島第一原子力発電事故前データの分析と考察-
- Economic loss of landscape degradation in rice terraces caused from cultivation abandonment or land consolidation
- Estimation of nitrogen emission in the recycle system of cattledung compost
- Basic Study on Development of Waste Cold Heat from LNG Tank and Freeze-Drying Technique for the Construction of Regional Zero-Emission System of Organic Solid Wastes.
- Estimation of benzene emission factor from running vehicles, and prediction of concentration with simple building configuration near road
- Formation of DNA Lesions in Cucumber Cotyledons Exposed to Solar UV Radiation.
- Study on a Methodology of Planning for Creation of Urban Waterside Environment.
- Investigation on the Water Quality of the Yellow and the Yangtze Rivers
- Analysis of Exposure Pathways of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate from the Environmental Emission Source to Humans
- PAH Profiles of Vehicle Exhausts, Tires and Road Materials and their Contributions to PAHs in Road Dusts.
- The view of the Environmental Partnership in the Lake Biwa Region
- Nutrient loading management in Lake Kasumigaura basin using GIS-Evaluation of estimated C, N, P loadings in divided small river basin-:-Evaluation of estimated C, N, P loadings in divided small river basin-
- Degradation of Veratrole and Guaiacol by Ozonolysis and Application of Its Mechanism to Wastewater
- Affection of Livestock Farming to Global Environmental Burdens and Greenhouse Effect. In the Case of Cattle.:-in the Case of Cattle-