社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- 義歯による発音障害を主訴とした高度な顎堤吸収を伴う無歯顎症例
- A Study Using the Interdental Thickness Discrimination Test at Three Different Degrees of Mouth Opening: Reproducibility and Gender Differences in Young Adults
- タイトル無し
- メインシンポジウム「歯科補綴の専門性」
- Finite Element Stress Analysis of Overdenture Abutment as a Function of Crown-to-root Ratio
- エナメル上皮腫摘出部位へのインプラント補綴
- Method of Objectively Evaluating Tooth Preparation during Clinical Training
- Influence of Craniofacial and Systemic Symptoms on Gravity Fluctuation
- 片側性遊離端欠損に対してオルタードキャスト法を利用した補綴処置の1症例
- A Preliminary Study on a Newly Developed Cell-hybridized Artificial Bone in a Beagle Dog: Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with an Interconnected Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffold
- パラタルバーの設定位置が厚さ弁別能に及ぼす影響
- 再生医療と歯科補綴学の接点
- A Study on Marginal Leakage of Crown after Cyclic Loading Test
- Reproducibility and Accuracy in Measuring Masticatory Performance Using Test Gummy Jelly
- Influence of the Fit of Fixed Prostheses Margins on the pH of Dental Plaque
- Clinical Usefulness of an Oral Moisture Checking Device (Mucus)
- Evaluation of Cleanability of a Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)-coated Acrylic Resin Denture Base