社団法人 大気環境学会 | 論文
- Metabolic Pathway of Nitric Oxide
- Tellurium as a Possible Tracer of Coal Combustion Effluent
- Oxidation of NO in the Presence of Kerosene Vapor
- Prevention of Dust Deposition in Sampling Line by Vibration
- Some recent topics in air pollution and health in New York
- Lung Injury and Carcinogenesis Following Transtracheal Instilation of Diesel Soot Particle to the Lung
- Morphological characterization of size-density-classified coal fly ash particles
- Geostatistical Space-time Analysis of Non-seasalt Sulfate Wet Deposition in Japan
- Present Status and Problems for Odor at Residence-Space
- Photochemical Oxidant Injury on Potatoes of Several Cultivars (2)
- Simple and Sensitive Measurement Method of Ammonia in Offensive Odors by Large Amount of Suction-Gas Detector Tube
- Comparison and evaluation of plume rise formulas
- Classify causes for high concentrations of photochemical oxidant in Fukuoka Prefecture
- The Study of Meteorological Parameters with regard to Atmospheric Diffusion in Light-wind. Part (II)
- Effects of Pyrene or Benzo (a) pyrene on the Mutagenicity of Trinitrochlorobenzene or Tetranitrocarbazole
- Investigation of the Volcanic Ashes Erupted from Mt. Sakurajima (III)
- Control of Nitrogen Oxides for Municipal Solid Waste Incineration
- Characteristics of Aerosol Concentration Variation in the Kyushu-Okinawa District.
- Numerical Simulation Approach of CO and NOx Concentration from Automobile Exhaust Gas by SRI-MODEL
- Wind Tunnel Simulation of Airflow and Dispersion of Pollutants over a Complex Terrain