社団法人 大気環境学会 | 論文
- Development of the Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory (II)-Spatial Distribution Estimation and Trial Application to Exposure Assessment for Roadside Ppulation-:Spatial Distribution Estimation and Trial Application to Exposure Assessment for Roadside Populat
- Estimations of Pollutants Concentrations in Atmosphere by Measuring Corrosion Rates of Several Metals
- Decomposition of Trichlorofluoromethane by r. f. Plasma
- Comparison of Particulate Carbon Analysis between the Thermal Method and the Thermal/Optical Method Using the Same Ambient Samples
- Estimate of Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Emission in East Asia.
- Estimate of Sulfur Deposition from Natural and Anthropogenic Sources in East Asia. Development of Long-range Transport Model with Rainout and Washout Processes.:Development of Long-range Transport Model with Rainout and Washout Processes
- Study on the Air Environmental Impact of the Aqueous Film-Formimg Foam
- Mercury Emission from Crematory
- Meteorological Analysis for the Transport Processes of Photochemical Oxidant Around Shiga Prefecture
- Chronic Inhalation Studies of Diesel Exhaust Gas Morphological Changes Observed in Intra-and Extra-Pulmonary Organs
- Analytical method for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in airborne particulates by high performance liquid chromatography
- Criteria for Selecting Appropriate Methods for Environmental Assessment
- Decrease of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Associated with Atmospheric Aerosols and Deposited Particulate Matter in Atmospheric Environment
- Effect of Diesel Exhaust Gas Exposure on the Mutagenicity of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- The Emissions of Heavy Metals caused by Refuse Incineration (I)
- Influence of Sampling Filter on Determination of Anions in Airborne Particulates
- Effects of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide Alone and in Combinations on the Germination and Protonemal Growth of the Moss Spores
- Suspended Particulates in Osaka city
- An Estimate of Spatial Distributions of nss-SO42-,NO3-,NH4+ and H+ in Kyushu, Japan.
- Analysis of High SO2 Concentration in Nagasaki Prefecture