日本国際保健医療学会 | 論文
- 米国において医療通訳士が職業として確立するまで:~創始期先駆者の視点~
- 喀痰陰性肺結核患者発見に資する胸部X線写真画質評価の試み
- Present situation and challenges of medical interpreters in Japan:Results of a questionnaire survey
- An Increase in Lifestyle-Related Diseases and Challenges of the Technical Support for Health Care Delivery in Sri Lanka
- 開発途上国における不妊症と生殖補助医療
- Community-based Evaluation of Health-seeking Behavior of People with Animal Bite Injuries in a District of Sri Lanka
- Current HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices among the General Population in Kandy, Sri Lanka: Program Implications
- マーシャル諸島共和国首都マジュロにおける癌検診受診者の肥満と糖尿病罹患状況
- アフリカにおける保健開発 : 健康水準の加速的改善と日本の開発援助への提言
- 国づくりの基礎は人づくり
- Is Maternal and Child Health Handbook effective? : Meta-Analysis of the Effects of MCH Handbook
- Introduction of Provider Initiated Testing & Counseling (PITC) to HIV testing for Pregnant Women in Cambodia
- Depressive symptoms among international university students in northern Japan: Prevalence and associated factors
- 東ティモールの地方における医薬品使用と標準治療ガイドライン活用
- The Difficulty with the Social Safety Net Health Sector Program in Indonesia: Case Study of Health Card Program
- Smoking Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Chinese Medical Students in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China: Comparing with Data from Japan and Vietnam
- A study on Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior toward Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) among College-prep Students at Japanese Language Schools in Tokyo
- The traditional plants and animals used for food by the people of Talaura, in the eastern part of Gadalcanal Is., the Solomon Islands