日本スポーツ教育学会 | 論文
- Effect of Tactical Games Approach Model:Through the Analysis of Flag Football Class in Elementary Schools
- A Study on Instruction of Physical Education:on the height and the interval of hurdles for beginners
- Über die Schülerturnvereine der höheren Schulen in Deutschland der letzten Periode des 19 Jahrhunderts in Preußen:hauptsächlich über die Ursache der Entstehung der Schülerturnvereine in Preußen
- Structures of the attitude toward instruction in physical education at various school stages
- The Effects of Student's Attitude toward Physical Education Classes on Academic Learning Time
- The educational significance and the value of "area":A critical discussion of "area" concepts
- A Study on the Planning of Cross-Country Skiing Unit
- Sport Philosoplical Study on Decreasing Tendency of High School Sport Club Participation
- The relationship between the teacher's initiative and formative evaluation in physical education class
- Age-Related Differences in the Effects of Isokinetic Training on Muscle Strength and Endurance for Thigh Muscles
- Survey on the Present Condition and the Issues Concerning the Curriculum Reformation of the Physical Education in Higher Education
- A Study on Methodological Validity of Guidance for Tennis Ability:Effects of Different Stances on the Forehand Drive Stroke
- Case studies of teacher behaviors in elementary school physical education classes
- A Study on Physical Education Lessons in English Public Schools
- A Study of Sport Information in Japan
- Development of Anaerobic Power for Boys and Girls from Viewpoint of 7-sec Pedalling Exercise
- A Study on L. L. Bain's Theory of "Education in Movement"
- The development and the effectiveness of target teaching material to enhance the throwing ability
- Kooperative Sportförderungsprojekte zwischen Universitäten und Kommunen:am Beispiel der Ballschule Heidelberg in Deutschland
- Die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Funkes Konzept der "Körpererfahrung":Betrachtungen über seine Beziehung zu Grupe