A Study on Instruction of Physical Education:on the height and the interval of hurdles for beginners
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The aim of this research is to explore the method for setting hurdles according to individual pupil's characteristics. Before classes, certain kinds of data on each pupil his height, his time in 50-meter race, which are given by his physical card-should be considered, along with a video analysis, so that they can find out the suitable course. The hurdle's height is shown in percentage of the distance from the knee to lap-length, and the interval they can run rhythmically by three steps is also calculated, in order to provide the instruction according to individual pupil in a class of hurdle race.Our analysis proves the following:(1) With the pupil's grade, the percentage of the distance from the knee gets higher, and the three-step interval also becomes longer.(2) With the pupil's height, the percentage gets higher, and the interval becomes longer.(3) The higher the percentage, the longer the interval.(4) With the running speed in 50-meter race, the percentage gets higher, and the interval becomes longer.(5) The higher the level of trail leg, the higher the percentage.(6) The height of hurdles is shown in percentage of the distance from the knee, in the level of his height, of his height, of the speed in 50-meter race, and of the level of trail leg, respectively.
- 日本スポーツ教育学会の論文
日本スポーツ教育学会 | 論文
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