A Study on Physical Education Lessons in English Public Schools
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The purpose of this study is to examine the present conditions of physical education lessons in English Public Schools through examining the P. E. curriculum and interviewing the director of the P. E. department of four representative Public Schools: Winchester College, Eton College, Rugby School and Harrow School.The analysis conducted in this study on the aims, objectives and contents of physical education lessons proposed by the P. E. teachers of these four schools has made clear following points.1) In these schools, physical education is a compulsory subject for the first one or two years only. The existence of extra-curricular games and the pressure of examination work have made the status of this subject less significant.2) Their ideas on the aims and objectives of physical education lessons are almost the same as the current generally accepted way of thinking. Specifically, their thinking is to try to make a meaningful, active relationship between physical education lessons and extra-curricular games after making it clear where physical education lessons are different from extra-curricular games.3) The contents of physical education lessons in these schools are so different from that of state secondary schools. Public Schools do not teach team games which are emphasised in state schools. Dance and outdoor activities are also not taught in physical education lessons in Public Schools.4) Though team games are still stressed in the extra-curricular activities, so many other activities including individual sports are taken there. This implies that their thinking on this activity has changed from Victorian values to the new approach of physical education.Consequently, the P. E. teachers of English Public Schools have made an endeavor to place physical education lessons as the foundation of all physical activities in the schools. The existence of National Curriculum which prescribes physical education as a compulsory subject may work advantageously to their endeavors.
- 日本スポーツ教育学会の論文
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