日本コンピュータ外科学会 | 論文
- Desk-Top Remote Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Surgery: Information-driven Systems for 21st Century Operating Rooms
- Designing XML Surgical Planning Data Format of Total Hip Arthroplasty for Remote Planning
- Development of Microstereolithography with Cytocompatibility
- Development of Frameless Slice image Overlay system for Surgery
- Improvement of Flexible Viewpoint Laparoscope with Wedge Prisms and Evaluation of Image Quality
- The problem of the conventional transillumination method explained and a proposed solution
- Three-Dimensional Quantification of Cardiac Surface Motion
- Development of Muscle Retracting Manipulator for RAO
- Development of Image Guided MRI Compatible Manipulator with Electromagnetic Wave Measurement
- A Development of Distributed Functional Surgical Display System using Distributed-Object Model
- Safe and Simple Man-machine Interface for a Laparoscope Manipulator System
- A Handheld Laparoscopic Forceps Manipulator using Multi-Slider Linkage Mechanisms
- Development of Four-Dimensional Analysis System of Mandibular Movements with Optical Position Measuring and Real-time Imaging
- Development of a Simulator for Cardiac Function Evaluation Before and After Left Ventricular Plasty Surgery
- Development of Finite Element Brain Model for Micro-Neurosurgical Applications
- Spline Approximation of Auricular Shape and it's Application to the Treatment of Malformed Ears
- Inside Story of Development of Cell Sheet Engineering
- Study on Liver Surgery Navigation Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Method
- A fast volume editing method on a neurosurgical planning system