Safe and Simple Man-machine Interface for a Laparoscope Manipulator System
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To seek for a suitable man-machine interface (MMI) for a laparoscopic manipulator system considering the usability, simplicity and avoidance of an input error, we have developed several MMI and performed a quantitative experiment and invivo experiment. We developed head mouse system using a head mounted gyro sensor and voice recognition system. Furthermore, we proposed two command methods.(1) Random access method (RA): the surgeon directly commands the three degrees of freedom of the direction of the laparoscope.(2) Sequential access method (SA): the surgeon indicates the direction using the time difference of the On/Off command. By the quantitative evaluation experiment and in-vivo experiments we concluded that the voice recognition method takes more time to manipulate than the head mouse system and that SA method is more suitable than RA method for the laparoscope manipulator system. By the combination of the SA method and head mouse system, we achieved safe and simple man-machine interface.
- 日本コンピュータ外科学会の論文
日本コンピュータ外科学会 | 論文
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