Development of Muscle Retracting Manipulator for RAO
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Hip joint surgeries are commonplace in our aging society. In this paper a prototype of a muscle retracting manipulator for minimally invasive RAO (Rotational Acetabular Osteotomy and one of the hip joint su rgeries) is described. The muscle retracting manipulator's role is to make a surgical space between muscles and the surface of bone around hip joint for the other manipulator whose role is to cut bone. The mechanical structure is very thin to follow narrow path and tough enough to peel muscles around hip joint. Pealing force of periostea by using a raspatory (a conventional peeling tool of periostea) were measured as a preliminary experiment. The prototype of the manipulator was composed from the result. Evaluation of the prototype was done on a porcine iliac bone.
- 日本コンピュータ外科学会の論文
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