公益社団法人 日本木材保存協会 | 論文
- Attacks of biscuit beetle, Stegobium paniceum Linne (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) against the dry branch of Fagara ailanthoides Engl.
- 公開シンポジウム「私たちのくらしと森林・木材の放射能-森林総研が解き明かすその実態と今後-」を開催して
- 腐朽した土台材中に存在する菌類の菌叢解析
- 混練型WPC の耐候性に及ぼす加溶媒分解木材の添加効果
- Control effects of bifenthrin on the formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
- Identification for Timber Pests and their Allied Insects Found in House, V.
- Wood vermin found indoors and the insects seemed to cause damage.2.
- Insecticide of Wood.
- Wood Preservative Effectiveness of Metallic Naphthenates. 2. Evaluation of Various Properties of Treated Wood.:Evaluation of Various Properties of Treated Wood
- Plant and Animal on the Thatched Roof in Ise Jingu.
- Identification for Timber Pests and their Allied Insects Found in House, IV.
- Establishment of JIS for "Methods of Test for Woods". Amendment of JIS for "Method of Test for Decay of Wood".
- Revisal on Wooden-Construction Specification of Housing Loan Corporation.
- Presentations Related to Wood Preservation at the 42nd Anual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society in Nagoya.
- Preservative impregnability into wood by a laboratory scaled OPM machine.
- Wood and moulds.
- Functional wood-based materials. (3).
- Functional wood-based materials (2).
- Efect of addition of phenolic compounds on Chlorpyrifos degradation.
- The Maintenance of Durability of Wooden House.