一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会 | 論文
- Effects of Xylitol, Glucose and Mannitol on the Production of Lactic Acidosis in Dogs
- A Case of Juvenile Onset Anti-GAD Antibody-Negative Diabetes Mellitus with 5 Recurrences of Diabetic Ketosis within 10 Years.
- Studies on CH5O in Juvenile-onset Diabetics with Insulin-dependency
- Significance of low serum C4 levels in the acute stage of IDDM in children.
- Studies on the Role of Lipid in the Development of Diabetic State:I. Experimental Studies
- New Findings on the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Neuropathy. The Significance of Nerve Regeneration.
- タイトル無し
- Effect of Probucol Administration on the Prevention of Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Mice by Multiple Low-Dose Streptozotocin Administration.
- :Hypoglycemic Agents in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy-III. Results 2 (FBG, Platelet Adhesion, Plasma Lipids, Body Weight and Drugs)
- タイトル無し
- 30歳未満発見日本人糖尿病患者の病型分類と発見年齢
- 下肢虚血症状の乏しい末梢動脈疾患合併2型糖尿病患者における冠動脈疾患の有病率
- 咽後膿瘍から縦隔膿瘍を併発した1型糖尿病の1例
- インスリン低反応を示す非糖尿病者におけるGlibenclamide Glucose Tolerance Test
- 耐糖能異常女性における血中乳酸いき値の心拍数と自転車仕事率に関する検討
- Clinical Analysis of 135 Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Severe Drug-Induced Hypoglycemia
- 特発性反応性低血糖の1症例
- 前立腺膿瘍から敗血症性肺塞栓症を来したと考えられる2型糖尿病の1例
- みかんの大量摂取を契機にケトーシスで発症した2型糖尿病の1例
- Studies on Mechanism of Gut Glucagon Release