インスリン低反応を示す非糖尿病者におけるGlibenclamide Glucose Tolerance Test
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It is generally accepted that the insulinogenic index is low in diabetes mellitus and rather high in secondary diabetes. Some secondary diabetics, however, show a low insulinogenic index. An investigation was carried out to determine whether this low insulin response of non diabetics to glucose is essentially identical with that of diabetes mellitus. The insulin response to a 50g glucose tolerance test (GTT) and a 50g glucose tolerance test combined with 2.5mg of oral glibenclamide (G1-GTT) was determined in 46 subjects, using JIRIMBS, EBS and EIRI as an indicator of insulin secretion. They were classified into four groups according to the GTT curves: normal, diabetic, secondary diabetic and borderline group.<BR>In the diabetic group (16 cases), the IRI/BS (30 min) indices were below 0.4 both in GTT and GI-GTT with one exception, even though they were higher in Gl-GTT. In the secondary diabetic group (17 cases), the IR/BS indices were below 0.4 in six cases in GTT. while the others revealed normal insulin responses. These six cases showed IRI/BS indices above 0.8 in Gl-GTT. Five of six cases had low ΣIRI and high ΣBS in GTT and were hardly distinguishable from the diabetic group. In Gl-GTT, ΣIRI increased significantly in five non diabetic cases, but did not increase in diabetics. Borderline cases were similar to secondary diabetes rather than to diabetes mellitus in insulin response to Gl-GTT. It was concluded that some secondary diabetics and borderline cases show low insulin response to GTT and that the low insulin response of nondiabetics can be augmented in the Gl-GTT, but in diabetes it cannot. Gl-GTT might be a valuable method for differentiating insulin low responders.
- 一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会の論文
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会 | 論文
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