- 論文の詳細を見る
Since 1980, ageing of people and decrease of children, and reduce of family members have been causing numbers of problems in rural areas. Above all, a study is demanded what measures should be taken to support the life of ageing people. In this paper, I introduced the actual activities of ageing people, giving an example of a food processing shop "Fureai House" in Shibukinaka-ku, Nagato City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and I investigated how the community managements should be. First, in order to clarify the feature of the rural areas in western Japan, I re-analyzed the distributions of household structures by area blocks and new classification of populated and depopulated areas using data on the basic survey for the nation life. This revealed that numbers of family members are reducing not equally throughout the country but more extremely in rural (depopulated) areas in western Japan. Reduce of family members brought by increase of single households and also households of aged couples weaken the community functions and make the life unstable. I gave an instance of "Fureai House" activities and showed bow they are coping with this problem. Fureai House" is run by members of units of married couples, and through participation of women, it affects traditional community and organization management method based on households. Moreover, cooperating helps the members to understand each other and to share their private problems such as care for their aged parents. I pointed out that, as an unexpected result of sales activities, the community is re-organized and they can successfully get a sense of security through the farm work united to their actual life.
- 山口県立大学の論文
- 2003-03-26
- 医療と福祉との連携を見据えた特別支援教育に対する教員の意識と課題に関する調査
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