Diethylnitrosamine 誘発肝化学発癌過程における glutathione S-transferase-P の消長
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In order to elucidate the evolution of glutathione S-transferase-P (GST-P) expression in the preneoplastic liver tissue, immunohistochemical study of both GST-P and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was performed on the diethylnitrosamine (DEN) treated rat liver. Male Wistar rats were treated with DEN for 14 weeks (group A) and compared with rats in which DEN was with drawn after 4 weeks administration (group B).In the group A, GST-P positive single cells, minifoci, large foci and hyperplastic nodules appeared on the 4th day, 6th day, 2nd week and 6th week, respectively, and hepatic cancer was recognized on the 10th week. The localization of PCNA was inconsistent with GST-P, but after 10th day GST-P positive cells partly showed PCNA positive. In the cancer cells, GST-P positiveness decreased, whereas PCNA was strongly positive. In the group B, GST-P positive hyperplastic nodules decreased, and it seemed to change into large foci, minifoci and single cells. PCNA positive cells also decreased in number in parallel with GST-P positive cells.<BR>These results suggested that GST-P expression in the DEN treated rat decreases in the cancer cells, and there is another course in which GST-P expression decreases in the hepatocytes of enzyme altered foci following the DEN withdrawal.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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- Diethylnitrosamine 誘発肝化学発癌過程における glutathione S-transferase-P の消長