Meta-Analyses of Microarrays of Arabidopsis asymmetric leaves1 (as1), as2 and Their Modifying Mutants Reveal a Critical Role for the ETT Pathway in Stabilization of Adaxial-Abaxial Patterning and Cell Division During Leaf Development (Special Focus Issue
高橋 広夫
Takahashi Hiro
Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Takahashi Hiro
Department Of Biological Chemistry College Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu University
高橋 広夫
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- Identification of a candidate single-nucleotide polymorphism related to chemotherapeutic response through a combination of knowledge-based algorithm and hypothesis-free genomic data
- Meta-Analyses of Microarrays of Arabidopsis asymmetric leaves1 (as1), as2 and Their Modifying Mutants Reveal a Critical Role for the ETT Pathway in Stabilization of Adaxial-Abaxial Patterning and Cell Division During Leaf Development (Special Focus Issue
- Identification of a candidate single-nucleotide polymorphism related to chemotherapeutic response through a combination of knowledge-based algorithm and hypothesis-free genomic data(BIOINFORMATICS)
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