Pulsed Field Magnetization of Large MgB Bulk Fabricated by Reactive Liquid Mg Infiltration
Naito Tomoyuki
Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Fujishiro Hiroyuki
Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Arayashiki Takahiro
Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8551, Japan
Tamura Takuya
Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8551, Japan
Oyama Mitsuru
Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8551, Japan
Sasaki Tomohisa
Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka 020-8551, Japan
Giunchi Giovanni
EDISON S.p.A., R&D Division, Foro Buonaparte 31, 20121 Milano, Italy
Albisetti Alessandro
EDISON S.p.A., R&D Division, Foro Buonaparte 31, 20121 Milano, Italy
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