- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been5years since an introduction of the nursing system of one nurse for every seveninpatients. The aim of this study was to determine whether this nursing system leads to meet thedemands of the inpatients and to clarify improvement factors in adequate personnel distribution.Participants were196head nurses of28acute hospitals in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions inJapan. As a result of analysis, the numbers of nurses have been increased by the introduction ofthis system. However, the employing of a large number of new nurses with almost no experience,it caused shortage of personnel, and reduction in nursing service quality. Also, as inclined allocationof personnel was not conducted according to the degree of nursing care need, imbalanced personnelallocation was observed in survey data. Furthermore, there was no significant correlationbetween bed occupancy rate and the number of nurses ; therefore it was thought that there is notstaff placement depending on busyness of nurse. For the adequate personnel allocation and carefulnursing system, it was thought that calculation of the number of nurse placement based on appropriatemeasurement of nursing care need and evaluation of nurses’ competence was necessary.
- 2012-08-25
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