- 論文の詳細を見る
Statins, treatments for dyslipidemia, have been reported to possess effects leading to therepair of the vascular endothelium, as well as anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, and theirclinical usefulness has been focused on. It was also reported in previous clinical research thatbacteremia patients on statins showed a lower mortality compared to those not receiving statins,and atherosclerosis patients on statins showed a significantly lower rate of severe or fatal sepsiscompared to those not receiving them. We conducted a case-control study involving patientshospitalized in Tokushima University Hospital to evaluate the relationship between taking/nottaking statins and bacterial infectious diseases. As a result, there was no relationship betweentaking/not taking statins and the overall patients with bacterial infectious diseases, but sepsispatients on statins showed a significantly lower mortality. The taking of statins was suggested tobe useful for patients with bacterial infectious diseases, particularly males.
- 2012-04-25
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