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近年、これまで予後中間群とされてきた正常核型の急性骨髄性白血病(AML)が、いくつかの遺伝子変異の有無により予後の予測ができることが明らかになってきた。この遺伝子変異の中でもnucleophosmin(NPM)、fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor-3(FLT3)、CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein- (CEBPA)遺伝子変異が重要視されている。本研究ではサンプルとして骨髄および末梢血分離細胞から抽出、調整したcDNAとgenomicDNAのみならず、これらの塗抹保存標本から抽出したgenomic DNAを用い、PCR-GeneScan法によってNPM、FLT3およびCEBPA遺伝子変異の同時検出法の実用化を試みた。プライマーを異なる蛍光色素で標識し、また異なる大きさのPCR産物ができるように設計すると、多種類の遺伝子変異を同時に検出することが確認できた。しかしながら、その感度は白血病細胞が10%程度以上存在することが必要であった。この検査法を用いれば、簡便かつ迅速に白血病の遺伝子検査を実施することができるので、臨床検査法として病院検査部の業務として採用できるようにさらに精度の検討を行っていくことが必要と考えられた。【Aim】Nucleophosmin (NPM), internal tandem duplications in the fms-related tyrosinekinase 3 (FLT3-ITD) and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein- (CEBPA) gene mutationshave recently attracted considerable attention in acute myeloid leukemia (AML)with normal karyotype. We investigated the method that can easily andsimultaneously detect these aberrations.【Method】Genomic DNA specimens were collected from not only fresh bonemarrow or peripheral blood cells but also smears of these samples. We alsoextracted and synthesized cDNA from these fresh cells. In all samples, presence ofNPM, FLT3 and CEBPA gene mutations were examined by multiplex PCR assayusing several colored fluorescence labeled primers, followed by capillaryelectrophoresis using ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer. In order to easilydiscriminate gene mutations, we used primers that could amplify PCR products ofdifferent size. Abnormal profiles of NPM were confirmed by direct sequencing.【Result】Ten (20%) NPM and 7 (14%) FLT3-ITD mutations were detected in 49AML patients. One (2.0%) TAD 1, 15 (30.6%) TAD 2 and none bZIP mutations ofCEBPA could be detected in these patients. In analysis of sensitivity, leukemic cellshad to be present more than 10% in original sample. This PCR-Gene Scan method is easily and rapidly performed. We suggest thatthese assays may be introduced in routine analysis of genetic alterations in AML inhospital laboratory after closer examination of accuracy. More samples fromuniformly treated patients should be collected to analyze the relationship betweenthese aberrations and the prognosis of them.
竹本 賢一
金沢大学医学部附属病院 検査部
大竹 茂樹
Department Of Laboratory Science School Of Health Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Kanazawa University
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