山県 登
Department Of Radiological Health Institute Of Public Health
山県 頴子
Tokyo Metropolitan Tachikawa College
- Comparative Studies of ^Cs and ^Rb Turn-over in Man using a Double-tracer Method
- In Vivo Experiment on the Metabolism of Cesium in Human Blood with Reference to Rubidium and Potassium
- Environmental Contamination with Radioruthenium 1961-1965
- Environmental Contamination with Short-Lived Radionuclides in Japan in 1961
- Radioactive Contamination of Milk in Japan (1961-1963)
- Balance of Cobalt in Japanese People and Diet
- The Concentration of Common potassium,Rubidium and Cesium in Japanese Diet
- The Concentration of Common Cesium and Rubidium in Human Body
- Radioecology of Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 in a Forest
- Total Ground Deposition of Strontium-90 in Japan (1)
- 30.植物によるルビジウム,セシウム吸収の差について(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 120.植物による元素の選択吸収に関する研究(1) : 種々の植物の水耕栽培の試み
- 32.土壌中の^Csの分離定量
- 尾瀬ケ原泥炭断面の分析(第2報) : 有機化学組成
- 86.水稲,陸稻の無機成分含量の差について
- 尾瀬ケ原泥炭断面の分析(第1報) : 物理的性質
- 温泉中の硫化水素瓦斯の引湯による変化に就て
- Chromium and Manganese in Japanese Diet
- The Cobalt Content of Human Body