ひろば 教育の現場から(第15回)長岡技術科学大学
Shimotono Hidetoshi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Saitoh Hidetoshi
Department Of Chemistry Nagaoka University Of Technology
- Interface software for DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo dose evaluation on a commercial radiation treatment planning system
- Production design and evaluation of a novel breast phantom with various breast glandular fractions
- Effects of Density Changes in the Chest on Lung Stereotactic Radiotherapy
- 262 Develompent of an accurate dose calculation system for remotely supporting radiotherapy(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Heavy ion CT system based on measurement of residual range distribution
- Nonlinear Effect on Noise Power Spectrum for Quantum Mottle in Radiographs
- A Study of the Bone Scintigraphy of the Bata ray Nuclide for the Treatment
- Measurements of energy dependence in image detectors using monochromatized X-ray
- DLC膜がたどった歴史 (DLC特集)
- 大気開放型化学気相析出装置により作製された高配向アナターゼ多結晶膜の光誘起表面反応