Realizing a Carbon-Based Hydrogen Storage Material
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
Dino W
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Dino W
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Roman Tanglaw
Division Of Precision Science And Technology And Applied Physics Osaka University
- Stability of Three-Hydrogen Clusters on Graphene
- 29pPSB-66 Stability of Three-Hydrogen Clusters on Graphene
- 29pPSB-37 A DFT-based design for the atomic scale processes on polymer exchange fuel cell electrodes
- Halogen-assisted copper atom abstraction: a computational perspective
- 26aRJ-1 Discriminating hydrogen structures on graphite
- Identifying Hydrogen Atoms on Graphite(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 22aPS-77 A comparative investigation on the effect of oxygen atom and molecules in the reactive ion etching of NiO thin films
- 25pPSB-32 A Density Functional Theory-based Investigations on Reactive Ion Etching on NiO Thin Films
- 25pPSB-34 Hydrogen atom quantum scattering on platinum
- Amino Acid Adsorption Effects on Nanotube Electronics
- Polybutylene Terephthalate Adhesion on Metals : A Density Functional Theory Investigation
- 27pXJ-12 Hot-atom hydrogen dynamics on Pt (111)
- Realizing a Carbon-Based Hydrogen Storage Material
- 22pYE-12 A Study on the Adhesion of Poly(Butylene Terephthalate) on Aluminum
- 19aXF-9 Fuel cell design : the diffusion of hydrogen on platinum
- Examining Poly(Phenylene Sulfide) Adhesion using Cluster Models (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Density Functional Calculations for H2 Adsorption on Fe(OH)3 by Considering Molecular Orientation (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- 27aXD-11 Amino acid adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes
- 26pXD-10 A nanoscale inspection on the adhesion of some thermoplastics on aluminum
- Electric and Magnetic Properties of Co-filled Carbon Nanotube(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- First-Principles Calculations for Chemical Reaction between Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate and Transition-Metal (Cr) atom to Produce Cr(DDC)_3 and Cr(DDC)_2ODDC
- Density Functional Study for Chemical Reaction between Cr and Fe with Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDC)
- Density Functional Theory Investigation of One-Dimensional Organic-Metallic Multiple-Decked Sandwich Model (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Spin Polarization of a Multiple-decked Sandwich Clusters : M(C_6H_6)_2(M = Mn, Fe, Co)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetic-Adsorbate-Induced Spin Polarization in Carbon Materials : Two Fe Atoms on Planar C_ and C_H_8 (Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- 22aYE-4 First principles study of H_2 interaction with Fe(OH)_3 : Effect of molecular orientation on the ortho-para H_2 conversion
- 22aYC-1 Effect of Hydrogen termination on the spin polarization of a carbon material doped with iron atom
- 28pPSB-51 Spin polarization of a carbon material induced by iron atoms
- New Method to Enhance the ortho-para H_2 Conversion by using Dynamical Quantum Filtering Effect and Steric Effect
- H/Pd(111) Absorption and Desorption Dynamics : Hydrogen-Induced Lattice Relaxation Effects
- Probing Local Surface Reactivity With Hydrogen Molecules : Realizing an Atom/Molecule Scanning Probe
- Dynamics of STM-Induced Acetylene Dissociation on Cu (100)
- Quantum Dynamics of Abstraction in H(g)+H(a)/Cu(111) : Direct (Eley-Rideal) and Indirect (Hot-Atom) Processes
- Dynamical Cluster Approximation in Disordered Systems with Magnetic Impurities(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 25pPSA-6 Behavior and Properties of a Quantum Dot-AB Ring System II
- 30aPS-54 Behavior and Properties of a Quantum Dot - AB Ring System
- Diameter Dependent Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Fe Nanowires
- 20aPS-49 Dynamic Calculations on Hydrogen-Pt(111) Surface Reactions
- 30aPS-47 Molecular Rotational Effects on the Dissociation and Sticking of H_2 on a Pt(111) Surface
- Adsorption of Fe and Co Nanowires to (3, 3) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- 25pPSB-76 H_2 Dissociative Adsorption on CO-Precovered Pt(111) Surface
- 30aPS-68 A Density Functional Calculations on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Filled with Fe Wire on Ni(111)
- Ground State Magnetic Properties of Fe Nanoislands on Cu(111)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Hydrogen-Induced Lattice Relaxation Effects on the Absorption and Desorption of H on a Li(100) Surface
- 15aPS-78 Interaction of glycine with single-walled carbon nanotubes
- Stable Hydrogen Configurations between Graphite Layers
- First Principles Studies on the Interaction of a Hydrogen Atom with a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube
- Effective Pathway for Hydrogen Atom Adsorption on Graphene (Condensed Matter: Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Site-Dependent Vibrationally Assisted Sticking Effect on H2–Si(001)$2\times 2$ Surface Interactions
- 13aXF-7 Dissociative Adsorption of H_2 On A Geometrically Corrugated Surface of Si(001)
- Stable Structures of Fe Nanowires on Cu(111)
- 27aXD-10 Hydrogen-Hydrogenase and Oxygen-Hemoglobin/Myoglobin Reaction Dynamics, Functionality and Their Control I : Structure and Energetics
- Spin Polarization Effects on O_2 Dissociation from Heme-O_2 Adduct
- Ab Initio Study of H_2 Desorption from Magnesium Hydride MgH_2 Cluster(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Ab Initio Study of Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation with a Transition Metal (Pt, Pd, Ni and Cu) Atom (Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 26pTG-3 The Influence of Mn on the Adsorption of H_2 and O on Ni(111) Surface
- Halogen-Assisted Copper Atom Abstraction: A Computational Perspective