Ishibashi Yasuyuki
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
石橋 靖幸
Chromosome Research Unit Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Ishibashi Yasuyuki
Forestry And Forest Research Institute
Ishibashi Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Institute of Applied Zoology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Ishibashi Yasuyuki
Chromosome Research Unit, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
- 第四紀の気候変動がツキノワグマの遺伝構造に与えた影響
- エゾヤチネズミの分散行動の雌雄差--近親交配の回避に役立っているのか?
- ヤブサメの一夫二妻例
- 動物ゲノムにおけるCA繰返し配列プライマーを用いたDNA fingerprint法
- Differential staining profiles of B-chromosomes in the East-Asiatic wood mouse Apodemus peninsulae
- Taxonomic status of the vole in Daikoku Island, Hokkaido, Japan : examination based on morphology and genetics
- エゾヤチネズミの父親判定とDNA分析
- Kin-related Social Organization in a Winter Population of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus
- Cross-species amplification of microsatellite DNA in Old World microtine rodents with PCR primers for the gray-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus
- Spatial genetic relationships in a population of the Japanese wood mouse Apodemus argenteus
- DNA Fingerprinting of Grey Red-backed Voles Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae
- Social Organization of the Vole Clethrionomys rufocanus and its Demographic and Genetic Consequences: a Review
- Genetic status of fragmented populations of the Asian black bear Ursus thibetanus in western Japan
- 「第49回日本生態学会大会」見聞記