君塚 信夫
國武 豊喜
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
Kunitake Toyoki
Department Of Chemical Engineering & Technology Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
- これからの化学実験室の環境整備 : 九州大学新キャンパスにおける取り組み
- DNAナノケージ
- 自己組織化とナノテクノロジー(3)有機-無機ハイブリッドの自己組織化--バイオミネラリゼーションから自己組織性を有するナノワイヤーまで
- ジフェニルスルフィド基を含む両親媒性化合物の合成と2分子膜特性 (高機能両親媒性化合物の合成とその高次構造) -- (ベシクル系)
- Optical Second Harmonic Generation in Alternately Assembled Dye-Polyion Multilayers
- ドキュメント 「研究室の電子化」大作戦! (特集 「研究室の電子化」大作戦!)
- Spectral Characteristics and Molecular Orientation of Azobenzene-Containing Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated Bilayer Membranes
- Thermal Stability and Specific Dye Binding of a Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated Bilayer Membrane^
- Enhancement of the Antisense Effect of Polysaccharide-Polynucleotide Complexes by Preventing the Antisense Oligonucleotide from Binding to Proteins in the Culture Medium
- Influence of Added Saccharides on the Conformation of Boronic-Acid-Appended Poly(L-lysine). Attempts to Control a Helix-Coil Transition by Sugars
- Alternating Molecular Arrangements in Paired Bilayers of Oppositely Charged Amphiphiles
- Heat-Induced Structural Changes of Multibilayer Films of Benzylideneaniline- and Salicylideneaniline-Containing Ammonium Amphiphiles
- 分子集合体を利用した2次元重合反応の制御 (精密重合) -- (構造構築の制御)
- Chemistry Letters と Thomson Scientific Research Front Award 2007
- 新しいナノ分子組織系の設計と特性に関する研究
- イオン液体の界面を利用する中空マイクロ粒子の作製 (特集 イオン液体の開発と応用)
- 金属錯体を主鎖に含む自己組織性ナノファイバー
- 金属錯体を主鎖とする自己組織性ナノワイヤーの設計と動的機能
- 分子ペアリングに基づく機能性超分子組織体の構築 (特集 非共有結合性高分子(Part1))
- Preparation of Cross-Linked Ultrathin Films Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polymers
- Molecular Weight Control of Curdlan (β-1, 3-Glucan Polysaccharide) Provides Unique Polynucleotide Binding Properties
- Polysaccharide-Polynucleotide Complexes Part 17. Solvent Effects on Conformational-Transition of Polydeoxyadenylic Acid in the Complexes with Schizophyllan
- Polysaccharide-polynucleotide Interaction (XI) ; Novel Separation System of RNAs by Using Schizophyllan-appended Column
- Chemical Modification of Curdlan to Induce an Interaction with Poly(C)^1
- Polysaccharide-Polynucleotide Complexes (III): A Novel Interaction between the β-1,3-Glucan Family and the Single-Stranded RNA Poly(C)
- Formation of Ordered Monolayer of Anionic Silica Particles on a Cationic Molecular Layer
- Template-Synthesis of Dimension-Diminished Lead Halide Clusters at the Interlayer of Multibilayer Cast Films
- 27p-QA-9 2分子膜 Cast-Film の光電導性測定 (I)
- Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Aqueous Bilayer Membranes on Charged Surfaces
- Practical Preparation of Size-Controlled Gold Nanoparticles in Water
- Enantioselective Binding of Amino Acid Derivatives onto Imprinted TiO_2 Ultrathin Films^1
- Molecular Imprinting of Protected Amino Acids in Ultrathin Multilayers of TiO_2 Gel
- AFM Observation of Organogel Nanostructures on Graphite in the Gel-Assisted Transfer Technique
- Chiral Synthesis of a Co(III) Complex on Ammonium Bilayer Templates
- Protein Assembly on Solid Surfaces by Gel-Assisted Transfer (GAT) Technique
- Bilayer Formation in Ethanol from Dialkylammomium Amphiphile Appended with Nitroaniline Moiety
- Selective Transport of Alkali Metal Ions Across Black Lipid Membranes(BLM)Composed of Ionophilic Amphiphiles^1
- Aniline - Hydroxylase Activity of Myoglobin by Coupling with a Membrane - Bound Electron Transport System^1
- Enhanced Peroxidase Activity of Cytochrome c by Phosphate Bilayer Membrane
- Energy Transfer from Zinc-Myoglobin to a Cyanine Dye Facilitated by Their Simultaneous Binding to a Phosphate Bilayer Membrane
- Lipid Anchored Myoglobin 2. Effect of the Anchor Structure on Membrane Binding
- Preparation and Molecular Orientation of a Regular Cast Film of Fluorocarbon Bilayers
- A Hexagonally Organized Elemental Supramolecular Structure of a Sugar-Appended Organogelator Observed by Synchrotron X-ray Source (SPring-8)^1
- 直鎖状アニオン性高分子としてのDNAを用いた金ナノ粒子の一次元配列
- 組織化の楽しさ, これから
- Activity and Stability of Glucose Oxidase in Molecular Films Assembled Alternately with Polyions
- 二分子膜の形成する極微空間を鋳型としたナノ構造体の合成
- 気-水界面における多成分分子認識の可能性と問題点
- Molecularly Flat Films of Linear Polyions and Proteins Obtained by the Alternate Adsorption Method
- 二分子膜キャストフィルムを鋳型とする無機構造制御ならびに分子膜/無機複合超格子の構築
- Alternately Assembled Ultrathin Film of Silica Nanoparticles and Linear Polycations
- Alternate Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Organic Dyes and Proteins is Facilitated by Pre-mixing with Linear Polyions
- タンパク質を自在に並べる--次世代の薄膜作製法,交互積層法
- 二分子膜
- 2分子膜における機能分子の配向制御 (1988年の化学-8-)
- 水中における配位高分子のアダプティブな自己組織化と機能性ナノ粒子の形成
- Preparation of Cationic Gold Nanoparticles and Their Monolayer Formation on an Anionic Amphiphile Layer
- Sequential Reaction and Product Separation on Molecular Films of Glucoamylase and Glucose Oxidase Assembled on an Ultrafilter
- Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Alternate Protein/Polyion Ultrathin Films
- 界面における分子認識
- ジピリジル基を含むジカチオン型アゾベンゼン誘導体とパーフルオロカーボンジカルボン酸よりなるナノ組織体の形成
- Spatially Controlled Synthesis of Protein/Inorganic Nano-assembly:Alternate Molecular Layers of Cyt c and TiO_2 Nanoparticles
- Supramolecular Assemblies Comprised of One-Dimensional Mixed Valence Platinum Complex and Anionic Amphiphiles in Organic Media
- Improved Stability of a Polyion-Complexed Monolayer of a Maleic Acid Copolymer by Using Alkoxyethyldimethylamines as Hydrophobic Counterparts at the Air-Water Interface
- Ordering of Dipeptide Molecules on Guanidinium Bilayer Membrane
- Controlled Growth of Polypyrrole Thin Films by Polymerization-induced Adsorption
- Lanthanide Ion-Mediated Hydrolysis of DNA on Phosphate Bilayer Membrane
- 新しい自己組織化材料 : 一次元金属錯体を主鎖とするナノワイヤーの開発
- ナノ分子集積 : 自己組織性ナノシステムのデザイン
- 新しい分子組織性ナノ材料の設計--有機分子により被覆された無機ナノワイヤー (特集 ナノテクノロジー最近の話題)
- 解説 自己組織性を有する分子ワイヤーの構築にむけて (特集 超分子)
- 自己組織化を利用する有機-無機複合 組織の構築 -分子性ナノ材料設計の新しい方法論-
- 相補的水素結合の自己組織化によるメゾスコピック系超分子組織の構築
- 新構造高分子とは
- 二分子膜からメゾスコピック系超分子組織体へ (特集 自己組織化と超分子構造)
- 水を含む溶媒中での水素結合を利用した分子認識と超分子構築 (1994年の化学-12-)
- 有機分子集合体を用いた無機物の構造制御 (1993年の化学-10-)
- 2分子膜,単分子膜における分子集合構造の構築とその制御--分子設計と集合構造設計
- 2分子膜のつくるらせん超構造 (1987年の化学-7-)
- Stepwise Adsorption of Metal Alkoxides on Hydrolyzed Surfaces : A Surface Sol-Gel Process
- 高分子科学最近の進歩
- 二分子膜および関連する分子集合体の組織構造とその利用
- 非水媒体中での分子集合体形成 (1992年の化学-9-)
- 2分子膜を利用した化学合成 (高機能性高分子膜)
- 2分子膜・単分子膜によるタンパク質の配向組織化 (1991年の化学-8-)
- 分子鋳型としての2分子膜 (1990年の化学-8-)
- 界面単分子膜による分子認識 (1989年の化学-8-)
- 接着研究者・技術者のための分子設計シリ-ズ-11-合成2分子膜の最近の展開--分子設計と応用
- フルオロカ-ボン超薄膜の作製とガス透過特性
- Correlation between Physicochemical Characteristics of Synthetic Cationic Amphiphiles and Their DNA Transfection Ability.
- Fluorescence behavior and energy transfer of cyanine dyes bound to bilayer membranes of double-chain ammonium amphiphiles.
- Coenzyme Models. II. Effect of Micellar Environments on the Acid-Catalyzed Hydration of 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives
- Multifunctional hydrolytic catalyses. V. The reaction of o-substituted benzohydroxamic acids and p-nitrophenyl acetate.
- Reaction of the azomethine moiety buried in bilayer membranes.
- Coenzyme Models. III. Enhanced Charge Transfer Interaction between the Oxidized and Reduced Forms of Nicotinamide in Micellar and Polymeric Systems. NAD Coenzyme Model
- Excimer formation and phase separation of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon bilayer membranes.
- Coenzyme models. VIII. Reduction of the Schiff base of pyridoxal analogs by 1,4-dihydronicotinamide.
- Simultaneous Fixation of Orientation of Myoglobin and Metalloporphyrins by Synthetic Bilayer Membrane.
- Nucleophilic ion pairs. 8. Facile nucleophilic cleavage of dinitrophenyl sulfate in the presence of micellar zwitterionic hydroxamates.
- Nucleophilic ion pairs. I. Enhanced esterolytic reactivity of hydrophobic ion paors in micellar systems.