- Expression of chlorophyll a oxygenase and accumulation of chlorophyll b in cyanobacteria
- Chloroplast NAD Kinase is Essential for Energy Transduction Through the Xanthophyll Cycle in Photosynthesis
- Identification of a Novel Vinyl Reductase Gene Essential for the Biosynthesis of Monovinyl Chlorophyll in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803
- クロロフィルの生合成
- クロロフィル代謝
- クロロフィル代謝と植物の発育
- Identification of Chlorophyllide a Oxygenase in the Prochlorococcus Genome by a Comparative Genomic Approach
- 光合成光エネルギー捕捉装置の調節
- 再現実験から光合成の進化を考える (特集2 光合成の進化--植物の進化の原点に迫る)
- 光合成の起源と進化 光合成色素系の多様化の機構を探る
- クロロフィルa/b比はいかに制御されるのか 相互転換の解析から'クロロフィルサイクル'による調節の様相が判明
- The Major Route for Chlorophyll Synthesis Includes [3,8-divinyl]-chlorophyllide a Reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Functional analysis of N-terminal domains of Arabidopsis chlorophyllide a oxygenase
- 葉緑体の起源と進化
- 緑色植物のクロロフィルb合成遺伝子の単離とその分子系統学的解析-原核緑藻類の進化-
- Photosynthetic Research in Plant Science
- Deregulated Chlorophyll b Synthesis Reduces the Energy Transfer Rate Between Photosynthetic Pigments and Induces Photodamage in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Light-Independent Cell Death Induced by Accumulation of Pheophorbide a in Arabidopsis thaliana
- The Arabidopsis-accelerated cell death gene ACD1 is involved in oxygenation of pheophorbide a: inhibition of the pheophorbide a oxygenase activity does not lead to the "stay-green" phenotype in Arabidopsis
- 地球環境と光合成の共進化
- Stoichiometric Analysis of Barley Plastid Ribosomal Proteins
- Knock-out of the Plastid Ribosomal Protein S21 Causes Impaired Photosynthesis and Sugar-Response during Germination and Seedling Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Ribosomal Proteins in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis Strain M3 : Presence of L25 Protein
- Overproduction of Chl b Retards Senescence Through Transcriptional Reprogramming in Arabidopsis
- The Oligomeric States of the Photosystems and the Light-Harvesting Complexes in the Chl b-Less Mutant
- クロロフィル合成系の多様性はいかにして生まれたか? (解説特集 光合成を支えるテトラピロール代謝の多様性)
- PS-163-8 当院において遺伝性乳癌が疑われた患者に行ったBRCA遺伝子診断に対する検討(PS-163 乳腺 予後因子,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)