Mechanical Rotor Model for Fluorinated Terphenyl Liquid Crystals
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A mechanical model is established to explain phase behaviors and thermal properties of liquid crystals (LCs). We postulate that LC phases are micro-machine systems consisting of an ensemble of molecular rotors. The phenomena of the thermal stability of phase and polymorphism are interpreted in terms of mechanics that involve basic parameters such as center of gravity ($G$), moment of inertia ($I_{\text{A}}$), eccentricity ($\varepsilon$) and mass deviation along the molecular axis ($\delta$). A novel concept of “slim isomer” and “fat isomer” for the fluorinated LC system is proposed. Furthermore, the parameter $\omega_{\text{c}}$, critical rotational velocity around the long molecular axis is adopted to analyze the thermal stability at the critical point. It is determined that the value of $\omega_{\text{c}}$ is a key parameter for the characterization of each homologous series.
- 2004-04-15
XU Jun
Institute of Advanced Materials, Fudan University
Faculty of Media Science, Saitama College
MA Heng
Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University
Toyama National College of Technology
Onnagawa Hiroyoshi
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Okada Hiroyuki
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama University
Ma Heng
Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
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