- 論文の詳細を見る
Proper use of hearing aids is still controversial. In 1989, hearing aid clinic was opened to resolve these problems. During the past three years in our hearing aid clinic,176 outpatients have been examined and 143 tried to use hearing aids.<BR>We used a questionnaire to survey their attitudes t o hearing aids, and statistically analyzed the results to reveal common problems among the patients. Sixtyfive point seven percent of patients were over 65 years old. Most of the patients had hearing levels ranging from 40 to 70 dB, and about 80% had perceptable hearing impairment. Patients using hearing aids in one ear tended to use them for a longer time, as the hearing levels and speech discrimination scores in the other ear deteriorated. According to these results, a hearing aid should not only be prescribed properly, but also fitted effectively to fill the individual need. In addition, the merits, demerits, and limitations of hearing aids should be explained precisely when they are first provided.
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