- 論文の詳細を見る
Group pure tone screening test was performed on kindergartners to efficiently screen for hearing disorders. Pure tones of 500,1000 and 4000 Hz in each ear were combined with a hand raising response. The test frequency of 500 Hz was added to screen for otitis media.<BR>About 80% of children over 3 years and 6 months of age were capable of takin g the group screening test with hand raising response. At the same time, the ratio of children who could pass the screening test also increased considerably from 45.2% to 65.2%.<BR>Although we used 500 Hz to screen for otitis media, it was difficult to di a g nose otitis media by hearing screening only. Therefore, hearing screening was mainly effective in determining moderate hearing loss and unilateral sensorineural hearing loss.<BR>We found that a well-planned screening procedure and preparation b e fore the screening as well as decrease in the fail one rate on initial screening are necessary to examine large numbers of children rapidly and screen hearing disorders efficiently.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
福田 章一郎
杉原 博子
福島 邦博
木村 宣彦
井口 郁雄
松原 浄
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