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Dysgeusia, xerostomia and stomatitis are oral diseases that may be caused by conventional treatment for chronic hepatitis C, which is a combination of peg-interferon and ribavirin. Recently, triple-drug therapy with telaprevir added as a protease inhibitor is used for treating chronic hepatitis C, but there is no report on oral diseases caused by this triple-drug therapy yet. This study evaluated the prevalence of oral diseases with this triple-drug therapy. Fifty patients completed the data collection survey. Prevalence of dysgeusia, xerostomia and stomatitis were 78.0% (32 out of 41 patients), 80.5% (33 out of 41) and 47.9% (23 out of 48) respectively, which were higher than with conventional treatment. It is suggested that telaprevir worsened oral diseases, because all oral symptoms recovered gradually after the therapy.To estimate the cause of dysgeusia, we examined the relationship between dysgeusia and objective parameters such as salivary flow rate, serum iron level, serum zinc level and hemoglobin in 11 patients during 12 weeks of adding telaprevir. Ten patients reported dysgeusia symptoms. Dysgeusia and xerostomia worsened at 8 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively. Unstimulated whole salivary flow rate (UWS), serum zinc level and hemoglobin were reduced to less than the normal level. It is considered that reduction of UWS and serum zinc level caused subjective dysgeusia symptoms. It is also considered that reduction of serum zinc level resulted from anemia. Xerostomia is considered to result from reduction of UWS. It is suggested that oral symptoms as well as systemic symptoms should be monitored for evaluating this therapy.
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